Archive for November, 2007


Too many holidays and nothing to do

November 11, 2007

Deepavaliya shubhashayagalu… A good three-day weekend. And nothing to do. I feel completely useless. I read a few chapters in the books I am reading. Cleaned the store room… ah! what a good feeling that gives. And of course tolerated noise and smoke thanks to Delhi’s fetish for crackers. I wish someone could host a workshop on what to do during extended weekends if you don’t plan to travel anywhere. At least a ‘things to do’ list. I wish I could go to Bangalore though. But tickets don’t come cheap these days. My best friend has gone to Bangalore, it’s her first Deepavali after marriage. I am sure she will be so busy, she won’t have time to breathe. Some stuff I could have done, but I didn’t

1) Learnt to use the “semi-automatic” washing machine (yeah, yeah I know it’s easy and all, my mum says that all the time)

2) Updated my blog (which I am doing now)

3) Do research on a few topics I plan to write on

4) Catch up with old friends (I promise I will call them before Monday, this Monday)

5) Dust my treadmill and start using it.

6) Check if the heaters are working now that it’s getting more chilly by the day

7) Get my DVD player repaired (haven’t watched anything except for our wedding CDs. Can you believe it?)

8) Take driving lessons

9) Shopping

10) Shopping again